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Photo Competition

Today, the Ramsar List is the world’s largest network of protected areas. There are over 2,400 Ramsar Sites on the territories of 172 Convention Contracting Parties across the world, covering more than 2.5 million square kilometres.

In this regard, a Ramsar Sites photo exhibition will be showcased at the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP15), celebrating the beauty, biodiversity and importance of Wetlands of International Importance worldwide. This exhibition aims to highlight the critical role these wetlands play in maintaining ecological balance, supporting biodiversity and sustaining local communities.

The Secretariat invites Contracting Parties, International Organization Partners, photographers, conservationists, and nature enthusiasts from around the world to submit their best photographs of Wetlands of International Importance “Ramsar Sites”. These photos will help tell the story of these unique environments and their global importance. Read more here >

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